Construction of model cremation ground at Gram Panchayat Pachalasi, Janpad Panchayat Khachrod, District Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh will be an important resource for the rural community, which will act as an important venue for cremation ceremonies and closure of grief. This project has been organized with the cooperation of Gram Panchayat and the institute. We all are very happy to have had the opportunity to participate in this important event. This is on the ground of model cremation ground to be constructed in Giram Pachalasi.During the puja program, Sarpanch and Committee Chairman Dharmchand Patidar said that the construction of the model cremation ground will provide permanent benefits to the community and this support will strengthen the social relations of the institution. On this occasion, the founder of the institute, Shri Ramnaresh Shukla ji, Sarpanch Dharmchand Patidar, Shankarlal Pandya of the institute, Pandit Vishal Dubey, Rahul Kumar and members Ambaram Patidar, Anokhi Lal ji, Prakash ji, Arjun ji, Radheshyam ji, Dashrath ji and villagers were present. .